Insights from the 2023 TMPAA Mid-Year Conference in Boston

Insights from the 2023 TMPAA Mid-Year Conference in Boston

May 2, 2023

Discover SRA Watchtower for Insurance: Transforming Enterprise Risk Management in the Insurance Industry

SRA Watchtower’s Insurance Team, Gary Preysner and Craig Smith participated in the highly anticipated 2023 TMPAA Mid-Year conference in Boston, MA, hosted by Target Markets. Over 900 program professionals attended the conference this year, including carriers, service providers, and reinsurance experts from around the world.  The event provided a valuable platform for the SRA Watchtower Insurance team to connect, learn, and expand their networks.

During the conference Gary and Craig shared their ERM expertise with attendees and showcased the holistic risk management platform, SRA Watchtower for Insurance at our sponsored booth. The team demonstrated how the product can help insurance organizations overcome their ERM challenges of working in silos and unlock the full potential of enabling an enterprise-wide risk program.  Learn more about how SRA Watchtower for Insurance can offer transparency, efficiency, and peace of mind to the insurance industry.

SRA Watchtower can’t wait to participate again in next years’ TMPAA conference!  In the meantime, please schedule some time here to connect with Gary or Craig to learn how we can help.

Photos from TMPAA 2023 Mid Year Conference

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RMA RIsk Maturity Framework

Powered by SRA Watchtower

Take the self-assessment today to
measure your institutions risk maturity.
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