risk management intelligence

RMA risk maturity Framework

Powered by SRA Watchtower

Score Your Organization's Risk Maturity Across Nine Pillars

strategic risk assessment

The RMA Risk Maturity Framework, powered by SRA Watchtower was developed to enable financial institutions to identify their risk management maturity across nine pillars and align management practices to the Board's risk appetite. With the support of the RMA Mid-Tier Council, we partnered with the RMA to create this framework to help institutions effectively elevate their risk management practices and track improvement.

Being both diagnostic and prescriptive, organizations can complete a Risk Maturity Framework self-assessment to identify and prioritize their areas of improvement. This framework will become the standard across the financial industry, as it is applicable to help any size institution become a more mature risk organization. Learn how we can help below.

benefits to Completing your risk maturity framework Evaluation

"The RMF tool provided validation of where the bank was in the maturity of our risk management.
It also gave us a roadmap to get to where we want to be in the future."

- VP Risk Management, Blackhawk Bank

Those who complete the Risk Maturity Framework evaluation will get their results via SRA Watchtower, an integrated risk and performance management platform. Completing the assessment is an opportunity to self-evaluate your organization's risk maturity and be provided a plan of action you can immediately implement. Here are a few benefits we are hearing from our clients:

Allows for
peer comparison
Educates the Board &
Executives on an institution's
current risk maturity level
Facilitates conversation
on the expected future risk
maturity level at the Board level
Helps facilitate the
of a risk roadmap​
Informs regulators on the
institution's risk maturity progress
& supports regulatory compliance
Accommodates the
management  of risk
improvement activities


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