“No Surprises” Risk Dashboard

“No Surprises” Risk Dashboard

July 19, 2018

Combined, SRA Watchtower's innovative ERM Watchtower and Creditsafe’s game-changing data deliver real-time smart intelligence for prospecting and credit decisions.

Glen Allen, VA, and Allentown, Pa: SRA Watchtower and Creditsafe USA are pleased to announce a strategic agreement to integrate Creditsafe’s unique, forward-looking business intelligence into the ERM Watchtower aggregation engine and risk/performance system of record.

ERM Watchtower aggregates mission-critical key indicators creating a standard measurement of enterprise risk and performance. Once implemented this smart cloud-based performance nerve center facilitates strategic decisions and planning, enterprise agility and resilience, and compliance with value creating stakeholder controls for community and large complex financial firms alike.

RMA RIsk Maturity Framework

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Firms using SRA Watchtower’s ERM Watchtower and its executive risk dashboard now have access to Creditsafe’s leading credit performance data to fully inform business loan prospecting and underwriting decisions, analysis of third-party suppliers, and – uniquely – to continuously predict credit quality based on ratings that incorporate trade and financial payment data.

Creditsafe is the world’s largest and most used provider of business credit reports and analysis, providing ratings, limits and incredibly powerful predictive insolvency indicators for over 240 million businesses in 100+ countries.

With this integration, ERM Watchtower and Creditsafe deliver significant technology and data power for optimal, educated risk-taking in three main ways:

  • Improved due diligence on prospects and customers with Creditsafe’s comprehensive, real-time company profile and risk data
  • Increased confidence with the ability to look through credit customers to the third and fourth party risk of their customers and key service providers.
  • Enhanced credit risk projections with unique forward-looking risk and performance indicators embedded in the ERM Watchtower.


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“With Creditsafe on board, our clients can mine credit intelligence with a click of the mouse, significantly easing prospect evaluation and selection of clients as well as third-party vendors, while also improving underwriting, renewals, and portfolio management decisions”, said Bert Knotts, one of SRA Watchtower’s founders and Partner responsible for lending and credit-related services. “The combination of ERM Watchtower and Creditsafe gives clients real- or near real-time data-driven intelligence that spotlights performance and risk issues before they become surprises – a real game changer in terms of credit and risk management.”

“The powerful synergies between ERM Watchtower’s sophisticated ‘top of the house’, integrated view of risk and performance and Creditsafe’s data strength and risk modeling combine to give firms unparalleled, actionable strategic intelligence”, said Matthew Debbage, CEO Creditsafe Asia & Americas. “For perhaps the first time, directors and other key stakeholders can clearly visualize and tune for current as well as forward-looking performance and credit risk across the whole credit book, including vendors.”

About SRA Watchtower

SRA Watchtower is focused on helping financial firms measure and accelerate performance while aggregating, analyzing and optimizing educated risk-taking across all categories. Team members have backgrounds as financial industry executives and regulators, and decades of consulting and advisory experience supporting growth, quantifying risk and designing best practice methods, workflows and processes to improve business practices.

Their collective subject matter expertise informs the design and functionality of the ERM Watchtower solution, which aggregates and standardizes KPIs and KRIs across business lines and categories and facilitates real-time, effective executive oversight and action with simplified reports and clear visualization of the institution’s performance against key objectives and risk versus reward balance.

For additional information about SRA Watchtower or ERM Watchtower, please visit www.srawatchtower.com or contact: Bert Knotts

About Creditsafe

Creditsafe is the world’s most used supplier of company business intelligence with ten Creditsafe Group reports downloaded every second. Privately owned and independently minded, Creditsafe is looking to change the way business information is used by providing high-quality data in an easy to use format that everyone in an organization can benefit from.

Creditsafe’s global database is one of the most rapidly expanding in the industry and also one of the most comprehensive. Each day over 250,000 users around the world leverage the company’s database to gather strategic, insightful business information. Creditsafe’s database is updated over a million times a day with information gathered from thousands of sources. In 99.9% of the cases, reports requested by customers are delivered instantly. Over forty percent of Creditsafe’s customers leverage the company’s internationally reporting capabilities.

For more information about Creditsafe, please visit http://www.creditsafe.com or contact: Matthew Debbage


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RMA RIsk Maturity Framework

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