SRA Watchtower Featured in CefPro iNFRont Magazine

SRA Watchtower Featured in CefPro iNFRont Magazine

February 28, 2023

Michael Glotz provides insights into cryptocurrency in banking

SRA Watchtower's Chief Executive Officer and Cofounder, Michael Glotz was recently interviewed for the Tech Talks edition of CefPro's iNFRont Magazine. This edition of the magazine offered insights from a multitude of risk professionals and industry experts. Topics covered included: ESG, cybersecurity, transformation, operational resiliency and more! Glotz shared his invaluable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency in banking.

Glotz states"Banking has been forever changed with the introduction of crypto because it facilitates a faster and more efficient way to process transactions compared to traditional banking, which increases margins. In banking, a mature, robust, evidence-based Enterprise Risk Management program is table stakes before any bank enters the digital asset market. Last year’s crypto fallout proved how a solid ERM program can help mitigate risk and preserve profits. Our prediction is these types of products are not going away. As the landscape matures and gains wider acceptance, banks will increasingly offer digital-asset products to stay competitive."
Other thought leaders were also quoted in this Tech Talk series including:
  • Ionela Emmett - Senior Manager, Financial Crime Controls, Risks and Policy & Advisory, ICBC Standard Bank
  • Armel Romeo Kouassi - Senior Vice President, Northern Trust Corporation
  • Farooq Gulzar, UK Chief Risk Officer & Global Head of Multi-Asset Risk, UBS AM
  • Tibor Bartels - Head of Transaction Services Americas, ING
Click here to read the full magazine or download a copy here.

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