SRA Watchtower Integrates Peer Data into Watchtower with BankTrends Partnership

SRA Watchtower Integrates Peer Data into Watchtower with BankTrends Partnership

July 8, 2020

Richmond,Virginia, July 9, 2020  - Strategic Risk Associates, a national leader in enterprise and performance risk management, announced that a strategic partnership with BankTrends will integrate and enhance the peer analytics functionality in SRA Watchtower by providing a more dynamic visual display of bank and credit union performance in comparison to standard and custom peer groups, enabling institutions insight into areas of risk and opportunity.

Banks and Credit Unions utilizing SRA Watchtower will now have access to dozens of interactive reports and hundreds of key performance indicators to better analyze and communicate actionable intelligence. For example, using dynamic scenario analysis, the bank can easily see the impact on key performance results with the change of a few inputs.  

BankTrends was built from the ground up, with two guiding principles: (1) transform static bank performance numbers into graphical trends that can be used to make informed decisions, and (2) utilize best practices in visual information design to create reports that clearly communicate a relevant story.

About BankTrends

Spotlight Financials’ BankTrends is an interactive data analysis solution that enables independent banks to compete more effectively by conducting sophisticated peer group and market analysis on key metrics such as profitability, earnings generation, credit quality and efficiency. This innovative application gives bankers an easy-to-use analytical tool to identify market opportunities and make quantitatively supported strategic and tactical decisions.

About SRA Watchtower

SRA Watchtower; Built for Bankers by Bankers. SRA Watchtower's solution advances risk management and performance for executives and boards.  SRA Watchtower is designed to promote a strong risk culture and enable stable earnings growth.

Adam S. Dunn
Chief Revenue Officer
Strategic Risk Associates

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