The Power of Actionable Data Visualizations

The Power of Actionable Data Visualizations

January 3, 2022

Enabling Insights at the Speed of Thought

"Aha!"  - That's the reaction you can get when a data visualization gives you immediate insights. 

Our brains value visuals over any other type of information.

- 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual; and

- The human brain can process an image in just 13 milliseconds  (Source: MIT)

Data visualizations leverage our brains’ powerful image processing capabilities and enable insights at the speed of thought, allowing you to expose patterns, trends and correlations that might otherwise go undetected.  - Tim Hart, Senior Data Analyst

It is simply easier to understand data when it is presented visually, compared with a table of numbers.  If you’ve ever stared at a massive spreadsheet and couldn’t see a trend, you know how much more effective a visualization can be. Moreover, while static visualizations like charts and maps have traditionally allowed a certain level of insight, adding interactivity with those visualizations lets people drill-down into details and interactively filter data to focus on the most actionable information. This is where data can truly be powerful and allow business leaders to make real-time business decisions - allowing them to act vs react.

In sum, data visualizations enable interpreting large quantities of data efficiently and are a powerful way to communicate data-driven insights.  At SRA Watchtower, we have recently created a library of six interactive dashboards that are live right NOW for our Watchtower customers to help them better manage their risk management program. Click the video below for a sneak peak or contact us today to get a live demo to see Watchtower in action.

Written by:

Tim Hart, Senior Data Analyst

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